About Me

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I'm Ginny...mom, wife, teacher and all the other jobs that come along with those titles (which are endless!). I love fulfilling the duties of each of my jobs. They are all difficult, fun, amazing, challenging roles. I have been in education in one form or another for 28 years. Creating, collaborating and continuing to learn are so important to me, whether I am in the classroom or not. One of my biggest joys is sharing knowledge and products. That is one of the reasons I created Products from the Porch. I look forward to sharing ideas, plans, stories, articles and more, and I hope you will share in return. Happy teaching!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Puppies and Procrastination

Puppies and Procrastination Lead to Sales and Freebies!

 So, it has been a little while since my last post.  We decided to get a puppy for our aging Catahoula, and boy has he taken a lot of my time.  But, oh my goodness is he cute...and a mess!

       Waylon  digging in mud                                                   Doesn't he look innocent?!                              

But since I have been MIA, I decided to put all of my Fall items in my TpT store on sale until the end of November.  I am also making a week of my new product, 5th Grade Math Warm-Ups free, but that is only here on my blog to you all.  If you like it, head on over to my store for the first 10 weeks to purchase.  I am working hard to finish the year. 

Examples of Fall products on sale:

Hope you will link on over and check them out.  And now, as I promised, here is a FREE week of my new 5th Grade Math Warm-Ups! (The daily links do not work on these these pictures, so here are the video links for this week, Monday: Introduction to Growth Mindset and Friday: Futures Channel Video-Water Tank.

Happy Teaching!! :)