About Me

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I'm Ginny...mom, wife, teacher and all the other jobs that come along with those titles (which are endless!). I love fulfilling the duties of each of my jobs. They are all difficult, fun, amazing, challenging roles. I have been in education in one form or another for 28 years. Creating, collaborating and continuing to learn are so important to me, whether I am in the classroom or not. One of my biggest joys is sharing knowledge and products. That is one of the reasons I created Products from the Porch. I look forward to sharing ideas, plans, stories, articles and more, and I hope you will share in return. Happy teaching!

Friday, May 29, 2020

End of Year (Virtual) Parties

Well, it is that time of year.  Actually past that time for many of you, but here in Charlotte, NC our students are still in school. Teachers are getting ready for the end of the year.  A time that looks much different with distance learning. Virtual learning has caused many changes in classrooms across America, and that is no different when it comes to our end of year celebrations. Although many seniors, mine included, won't have an in person, walk across the stage graduation, teachers can still have live Zoom Class parties with their students.  Here are some ideas of ways to celebrate your year with students during a live Zoom Party.

Set the stage by creating a Zoom Invitation.  You can do so at https://zmurl.com/. They have cute backgrounds to choose from or you can add your own (a cute class picture would rock!). Remember to ask for an RSVP - they will give your guests a code - to avoid any unwanted visitors!
Have a theme for your party.  You can use this on your invitation as well.  If you would like to go all out, have your students dress up (and of course you too!). Their parents can help them decorate their Zoom space according to the theme as well.  If that is too much, have your students, with help from their parents, look up Zoom backgrounds that would match the party's theme.  There are many  sites that can help with this. 

Ask students to send you pictures of themselves.  Make end of the year awards for each student.  Use your split screen to show the picture of the student and the award.  Send home the award electronically or print it off and mail it home.  Make your own or click on the link below to see my listing at my TpT store.

This next idea is taken directly from Follettcommunity.com
"Play a round of The Masked Singer on Zoom using Flipgrid! (Read this story about a New York school’s faculty playing this game – and see examples!) Students interested in performing (perhaps a Flocabulary song?) can use Flipgrid to submit a 90-second video of their performance with an emoji covering their face. Then on party day, the teacher can use this customizable template to run the game via Zoom. No singers in the group? How about a masked reader?"

Send out a set of questions to each student.  They can have the same questions or different questions.  Either let them record them and be presented at the party, or have them be prepared to give their answers live at the party. Possible questions:
  • Favorite subject this year
  • Best learning moment
  • Favorite moment
  • Favorite field trip
  • Hardest moment
  • Hardest learning moment
  • Someone who helped them them
  • What they will miss most
  • What did learn from virtual learning
  • Who had the biggest impact on them
  • What is their future goal
  • What are their plans for the summer
  • What are they looking forward to most in ___ grade
  • What would they tell a ___ grader coming into their grade

Give each student the name of a classmate.  Have them record one compliment or well wish to that student.  Collect the videos and play them at the party.  What a positive way to send the class off!

These are just some thoughts.  I know all you creative teachers have many more.  Please share in the comments!  I would love to hear them.  And, as always, Happy Teaching!

PS. A mom brag...here is my senior who will not get to walk across a stage.  He will (hopefully, they haven't announced plans yet) be attending Clemson's Calhoun Honors College in the fall.

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