About Me

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I'm Ginny...mom, wife, teacher and all the other jobs that come along with those titles (which are endless!). I love fulfilling the duties of each of my jobs. They are all difficult, fun, amazing, challenging roles. I have been in education in one form or another for 28 years. Creating, collaborating and continuing to learn are so important to me, whether I am in the classroom or not. One of my biggest joys is sharing knowledge and products. That is one of the reasons I created Products from the Porch. I look forward to sharing ideas, plans, stories, articles and more, and I hope you will share in return. Happy teaching!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

First Freebie!!

For checking me out, I am offering my first freebie, "Compound Sentences Game...Cooking Up Sentences", to my visitors.   If you like this, please pop on over to my TpT store to download this and check out some of my other products!

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